

…So, we will suggest only how you might begin to manifest and hold the Fifth-dimensional consciousness within your Heart.


Be Free and Experience Freedom within Yourself

Know that you no longer have to please anyone and you no longer need  to "fit in". You need to be You. When you are "authentic" you are  Loving and Gentle and Peaceful, and people around you will not feel threatened by your queness, but will celebrate it with you. When  you live in this way, your soul will feel free to be All that it can be,  and you will unfold into your Full Potential. Be responsible for ensuring that you maintain your own inner sense of freedom and lightness to be Who You Are. 

不需要取悅任何人,不再調整自己去適應,就只是成為自己,當你是真實 的,你成為愛、溫和與平靜,在你周圍的人不再因你的獨特性而感覺到威脅性,會一起與你慶祝。當你如此活著,你的靈魂將感受到所有它可以成為的自在,而你將展開進入滿滿的潛在中。請確實回應你保持 "你是誰" 的內在自由與內在光明的覺知。 

Be Passionate and Share your Passion 

Follow your Dreams and Desires. When you are "authentic", people around you will be attracted to you because of your Passion. Do not become obsessed. Remember, a Passion is something that you share with others, it should not be a way of escaping connection and intimacy. A passion in your life should deepen intimacy and love with others, as their Heart passion unites with yours. Know that every Heart has its own Unique Passion and way of expressing that. Be willing to honor and respect the passions of others, and they will honor yours and share yours. When a group of people works  tother from the united Flame of their Heart's Passions, it is indeed a        powerful energy of Love and Creativity. 



順從你的夢想與渴望,當你是真實的,周圍的人會被你的熱情所吸引。不是成為困窘的 ;記得,熱情是你與他人共享的,熱情不會是避免連結與親密的遠離。熱情是你生命中與他人更深的親密與愛。當他們熱情的心與你連結時,知道每一顆心都有它的獨特性的熱情與表達方式。樂於榮耀及尊敬其他人的熱情,他們也將榮耀你的且與你共享。當一群人如此運作他們心中熱情合一的火焰,它確實是很強烈的愛與創造力的能量。


Be Open and Honest with Yourself and Others


Be aware of what you are feeling within yourself and do not be afraid  to express this. Be willing to express your truth. If you do so without anger and aggression, then it will be accepted as such by others. It may not be their truth, but that is not your concern. If they are able to accept your truth, then that is well, but if not, then you should allow yourself to move on until you find those who are will be equally open and honest with you. But know, dearest ones, that the ability to be open and honest and loving rests on the ability to be open and honest and loving with yourself first. The extent to which you are open and honest with yourself, will be reflected in your ability to be that way with others. 


意識自己的感受,不要害怕表達出來,樂於表達自己的真實。如果你如實表達且不帶著生氣與侵略性,將會被他人所接受。它也許不是他們的真實,但你不需要關注在這上面。如果他們能接受你的真相,那很好,如果他們沒有如此,你應該允許你自己往前行,直到發現能同等性開放且誠實對你的人。請知曉一件事,至愛的人們,開放、誠實與愛的能力首先依著你對自己開放、誠實與愛的能力。你對自己開放與誠實的程度,反映著你      對他人的敞開、誠實與愛的能力。 

Be Original and Adventurous


Don't settle for a life of security, dearest ones, for there is no such thing in the material dimensions. The nature of all existence in the Fifth Dimension, is Fluidity and Flexibility and Change. Cosmic Heart Energy flows and is always seeking new forms and expressions. Be willing to move with that Flow and to allow yourself to create from that Flow and to have fun in the process. Remember how it felt as a child when you embarked on an "adventure" with your friends? So it should feel as your soul explores the new "adventure" of each day. No matter what your life may be, you can always create small adventures of Love and Beauty for yourself within each day.




Be Peaceful and Be Gracious


When you live with your awareness in the Fifth Dimensional level of        Consciousness, you will find that you need and desire Peace and Grace. And you will be able to create these things wherever you are, even if you live in the center of a big city and are in the middle of a busy street! For your consciousness will create such a powerful "zone of Peace and Beauty" that it will be felt by all those around you. They will be attracted to you, and this will be reflected in how they respond to you. The Peace and Grace that radiates from You will awaken Joy and Kindness in them. 



Live Beyond Social and Verbal Cliches


Dearest Lightworkers, do not assume to know how another person thinks or feels or where they are. Allow them to be where and what they are. Allow them the mystery of their own Uniqueness. In this Fifth Dimensional space, all is Love, and Fear is an illusion. It serves no purpose to say to another : "You are in Fear", for this is more of a reflection of your own need to judge the feelings of another and to feel safe with your mental analyses of what they mean in your life. Look rather to see what is the "Message of Love" that this person brings to you through this reflected "illusion". Most often, it is the need for you yourself to look at your own illusions and to make changes in your life, perhaps to see where and how you have allowed these illusions to take hold in your heart. Dearest ones, living within and yet beyond illusions, in the heart of your own unique truth, is the "skill" of Multi-dimensional Life. 



至愛的光之子們,不需要知道別人如何思考、感覺及他們的所在地,允許他們自己獨一無二的神秘 ;在第五次元的空間,一切都是愛,而恐懼只是幻象。當你跟別人說" 你在恐懼中",更深的來自你自己的反映是,你需要去評斷另一個人的感覺,藉著心理分析其他人你生活中的意義,來感受你的安全。常見的是,去看清自己的幻象並改變自己的生活,也許看看你如何允許幻象佔據你心中的某一處。至愛的,更深的活著且超越幻象,在你心中獨特的真實,就是活在多重次元生活中的技巧。


Do not Resist the Flow


Dearest Ones, in the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness the Flow of nconditional Love is powerful and it will bring many surprising events and changes when you live an authentic life. Do not resist the flow of change, for to do so is to block the flow with the heaviness of old energy illusions. We call these surprise events "miracles", for even if they do not seem so to you at all times, they are designed to keep you within the flow of Abundant Love. If you resist, you block the Flow of Abundant Love within your own Heart, and it begins to flow around you, and so you experience isolation, loneliness and lack. As soon as you open your Heart once again to the Flow of Unconditional  Love, then the flow of Abundance will find you. Resistance to the Flow is always a result of fixed expectations and ideas about outcomes.  Once you have the ability to release expectations and allow change materialize as you had expected. Know that all things flow in Divine Order, and that there is a blessing in every shift and change in your life. When you accept change with Grace and Gratitude, you will see and perceive the Abundant Blessings at the Heart of All Things .


至愛的人們,第五次元的意識流-無條件的愛,是強烈的,請依心而活,這帶來許多驚奇的事件與改變。不要抗拒改變的流,這麼做,只是以沈重老舊能量幻象來堵塞這流。我們稱這些驚奇事件為" 奇蹟",即使對你而言的意義不是如此,這些事件的設計,是讓你保持在豐盛的愛的流動中。如果你抗拒這豐盛的愛之流到達你獨特的心中,它開始流經你的周圍,而你經驗孤獨、寂寞與缺乏。一旦你打開你的心門,這無條件的愛,豐盛之流 將會找到你。對流的抗拒來自對於預期與理想中的成果的固定想法的呈現。一旦你有能力去放掉預期且允許改變順著流走,對於物質的顯化並非如你所預期,你將不會心煩固執。請知曉,所有的事物順著神聖的秩序。在你生活中的移動及轉移都有祝福在其中,當你以感恩的心接受改變,你將見到及意識到所有的事情心中的豐盛祝福。
    創作者 雀斑蘇菲亞 的頭像


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